Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

I hope that all readers had a very Merry Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year. We, Stevens', had a very sweet & quiet Christmas. We enjoyed the company of each other and really made every effort to remain in each others' presence. Our focus was on our family and it really seemed to work out well. We had a great Christmas Eve. We went to Red Lobster for dinner and then to church. It was delightful for me to have my family in church with me without a single complaint. My kids sat at my right and at my left with attentive eyes and ears. My husband has been winning more and more of my heart as he continues to seek out the things of the Lord and it was apparent that day that he was exercising that in which he has been learning. He is an amazing man and is a seeker for himself. I think that is one of the things that I love most about him. He searches out the truth on his own and talks about it in his own timing. He's open to instruction but examines it as he should. I appreciate that about him and it reminds me to be more of a self-examiner. I loved the church service because it was Christmas Story. Yes, we sang but I'm not completely sure if the kids even understand what the words of the traditional songs mean? It was such a blessing to be able to have the kids be there, to watch the Christmas Story played out and for the opportunity to talk about it later. I truly believe that my Christopher had never heard the real Christmas Story (which saddens me as his parent). We returned home, opened our new pajama's, watched Home Alone and then off to bed so Santa could come. (Yes, we still don't put our presents out until the kids go to's the spirit of Santa that's important).
Christmas day Rob & I enjoyed the morning together before the kids got up at about 10:30 am. We opened presents, called family members & had lunch at Rob's dad's house. We enjoyed a quiet evening at home playing games, organizing new stuff and messing around with IPods. Did I forget to mention that we had tons more snow that we had to dig out of our driveways?!?!

Overall, it was a great holiday. The kids & I ended the holiday by going snowboarding together on the 26th, while Rob was at work. Now we're just enjoying the end of 2008 as we begin to prepare for 2009.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Rob & I went to Vegas with his dad and his dad's wife for a weekend last month. It was the first time Rob & I had been away together since we got married. It was a pretty fun weekend. We stayed at the Rivera Hotel, which was pretty nice. The tower we stayed in was just recently remodeled. This was my 1st time to Vegas. I enjoyed some of the slot machines and all the free Crown's & Coke. But I hated the cigarette smoke! Really hated all the cigarette smoke! My favorite place was Slots-O-Fun because it paid out in really coins! Yeah its not the nicest place there but its cheap & seemed to pay out better than the bigger hotels. We were able to catch a Vegas show & wedding! It just so happened that our buddy from work got married in Vegas the same weekend of our trip. Having some buddies down there made it even more fun! The bummer of the trip was that I never made it to ESPN Zone & I came home sick. When I got off the airplane I told Rob that I wasn't feeling great. Neither one of us knew that I was going to get the worst sinus infection of my life & be down & out for 2 weeks! It totally sucked but I have an amazing husband who helped make sure I was as comfortable as possible.

Well, soccer for Ky & I finished the 1st week of October. The season ended on a very good note...they beat Sandpoint HS, which was a very good team. The team played extremely well & it just amazed me & them that they were able to pull a win together (since they lost every game during the month of September). The team was a typical "young" team...sometimes they showed up to play and sometimes they didn't. I can remember my sophomore year of basketball in high school Coach Holden said, "Winning tonight depends on which team shows up to play." That year we were young and this last soccer season was the same way. We ended the season with a special "Starburst" practice. Each girl was to dress up in the color of a Starburst and come to practice. They had tons of fun & I enjoyed watching them. They really loved my all pink outfit! :)

The rest of October has been all about watching Chris play football. Rob & I really love watching the Friday Night Football games! Its something that we all love for different reasons. Below is a picture of Rob & I after one of the games pretending to be "Kenny" (Southpark).
The Homecoming Game was in October and that night was an extremely busy night for me. Kylie & her boyfriend Montana were Homecoming King and Queen, which was announced at halftime of the football game. Before that there was a parade through town which both Kylie and Chris were in. Rob & I rushed downtown to see them & get some pictures before going to the pre-game tailgating. After tailgating I had to work the concessions stands for the 1st half of the game. I got to leave for a couple of minutes before the game started to go out onto the field with Chris. I had to wear his white football jersey and he, along with all the football players, gave all the mom's flowers. It was pretty special. At halftime I had to be down on the field again for the announcement of the King and Queen. I got some good pictures but not much on video b/c of course my battery died right before the guy said Kylie's name! :( Below are a couple pictures from that night. Chris has been so busy with football & now the playoffs that he's not in any pictures. But don't worry, he's still around!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Chris Drives

Well today Rob & I watched as Chris passed all his tests and obtained his driver's license. This was a much more emotional event for me than for Rob. Rob looks at it as "freedom" from having Chris depend on us for rides here, there and everywhere. I see it more like now neither one of our kids really "need" us anymore. It's tough watching your kids grow up and just not really want/need you around as much. I know that as parents this is what we spend so much time preparing them for but its not easy letting them go. So today, at about 12:30 pm Chris drove out of our driveway to school for the first time. I'm just as excited as Chris is because of this landmark he's accomplished. But I'm also nervous, fearful and sad because I'm a mom and I worry. The other half of this emotional event is that Chris pulled out of our driveway with my (now his) Xterra. The Xterra is the first car that I purchased all by myself. I wanted that car for so long and had to work so hard to get it. It's in awesome condition! I've taken great care of it b/c of all the time and efforts I had to put into just signing the papers to get it. Rob whispered to me as I stood on the porch crying as Chris drove away, "There goes your two babies." He could not have been anymore right. I do not want either baby hurt, dinged or damaged.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

The kids finally started school...thank goodness. Chris was seriously eating us out of house and home this summer. They are both playing sports right now and I'm coaching. We're really busy! Ky is playing soccer on my team again & Chris is playing football. He's playing varsity but not a lot. He played in 6 plays at the first game. I was so freaking proud of him though! The varsity team all has their names on the backs of their jerseys & when I saw our name on his it was one of those extremely proud moments that you just quietly enjoy. I was so quiet that Rob leaned over & asked if I was crying. I was so nervous & excited for him. I was so nervous & excited for Rob. I was sure hoping that he was as proud as I was but you know men...they don't really show that kind of emotion, especially in public. Ky has matured so much & I really think she's ready for adulthood. She had some difficult times this year with soccer & had to make some tough decisions. She stood strong in the mist of defeat & did not give up. She scored a goal in our 1st game this past week & I see such improvement in her skills daily. Ky's taking 2 GenEd classes at NIC this fall. It's a great taste of what college work is like but not so much that she's overloaded. This is also a great way for Rob & I to kinda watch over her & help her with adjusting to the life that is knocking on her door.

My husband is completely amazing! I have learned that he is such a patient man. There is nothing that I really have to do around the house. It's nice to know that he can handle so much w/o me. I told him the other day that all his chores are making me feel like I'm just carrying my load as a wife. He laughed and said, "Honey, you do alot. You clean the bathrooms." That's it. Here's your sign. I again, burnt hotdogs, which almost has me completely banned from the kitchen. So tomorrow, while he's at work, I'll be a good wife and clean the bathrooms.

This is my prayer. That this week I may praise more, love more & draw close to the Lord that my heart loves & longs for.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Married Life

I got a new hairdo a couple weeks ago at the encouragement of my husband. So ok, I wanted to get it cut really badly but was fearful of the outcome so Rob was a good man and pushed me for it. "NO MORE PONYTAIL" were Rob's exact words. I must admit...I miss the ponytail. But I really love the look my husband gives me now that I have my stylin' hairdo! :)

Our marriage really seems to be getting really good. We're definitely over the "honeymoon" part & we have had our "bumpy" times of getting use to the married life. It really feels like we're starting to settle into this whole married life, or at least I'm feeling more at peace with 'needing' someone (for lack of a better term). I think the hardest thing about being married is that feeling, or at least for me, of losing my independence. I was on my own for so long and had accomplished so much by myself that I was really comfortable in that lifestyle. The Lord has really been teaching me that there is independence in marriage and, in fact, it makes the marriage healthier when that independence is exercised. Don't get me wrong...I still miss my husband on long work weeks & long for our alone time. I think the difference is that in those times we're apart I'm "being Sarah." I'm at the gym more, playing softball, coaching soccer, gardening, cleaning & even reading more. I have learned that my independence really is what I do during those times when Rob is away.

This August Rob & I will celebrate our 2nd anniversity. Over these past 2 years I really have fallen more deeply in love w/my husband. I can say that I see the love in his eyes for me. I never understood how 2 hearts could become so close that they appear as one, until now. When Rob hurts I hurt. When he is joyful, I'm joyful. Our life is one being lived by 2 people. I'm thankful to God that he led us together so that we could live this life together. "I love you babe!"

Monday, May 26, 2008

Carrie Underwood Concert

For Mother's Day Kylie got us tickets to the Carrie Underwood Concert in Spokane. It was a blast! Kylie, her friend Kallie and I went for like a girls night out. Kylie even bought me dinner at one of our family's favorite restaurants, "Tokyo Teryaki." The concert was freakin' awesome! Carrie Underwood even sang "Before He Cheats" which totally made my night. Kylie & Kallie were really freakin' out about Josh Turner, who opened for Carrie Underwood. He was okay but I was all about seeing Carrie! I was a big fan before the concert & an even bigger fan after. Here are some of the pics of us & of the stage...of course there were no great pics of Carrie but don't think I didn't try! :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Midnight Thought

So here it is after midnight & I'm up thinking about my life and my family. Some of you maybe thinking I'm out of my mind for being wide awake at this hour but this is really normal time for those of us who work graveyard shifts.
I had such a wonder weekend with my family. We traveled over to Seattle to watch a Mariners/Angels game with my mom, my sister, my sister's boyfriend and my wonderful little niece. We didn't spend much time visiting because we needed to get back home to Idaho for school and work but while there I realized just how much respect and honor I have for my mom. I learned that she was told by the owner's of her place that they had 90 days to move out because the land was sold for commercial property. My mom lives in a 60+ units duplexes that were once old military homes. But when I walked into my mom's place it looked simply amazing. A couple of my uncle's help her paint the place and she had found some really nice curtains and walls pieces. Rob & I had helped her last summer get new light fixtures. I mean the place really looked nice and I could tell that my mom was really proud of the home she had made it. It hit me as I looked around that my mom has never owned a home in which she could do all that I was observing. I sadden me to think that money and/or the property owner's desire for money was going to force my mom out of this beautiful home that she had just created. But my mom doesn't complain, unlike I would for sure. She just simply takes it like a champ and says, "I found a new place down the road." No complaint but I know that I would be pissed and I know that I would want to express that disappointment. She takes the bumps so well and with such grace. I can see that she has become the "rock" of our family that was left to her when my grandma died. If fact, she is reacting just as my grandma would have...the same grace. I have always thought of my grandma with such honor and respect because of the way she lived her live. But it took me losing her to fully see just how graceful my grandma lived. This weekend I learned that my mom lives with that same honor, respect and grace. I'm thankful to have seen it before she too was gone from this life.
Thus, it hits me hard just how wonderful my life really is and just how ungraceful, unhonorable and unrespectful I live sometimes. I live in a beautiful home and have a wonderful husband to walk through tough times with me. I realize that I complain...alot...over things that our entirely out of my control. I have realized that despite the successes and accomplishments I have experienced in my life I have fallen short of the honor, respect and grace that the women before me took hold of.
Tomorrow is payday and I always stress about paydays and bills. I can't seem to find the reason why I stress so much but tonight I remind myself of just how "much" I have and just how "blessed" I am. The Lord has provided so much for me over the years and ever since getting married and having the realization that people are relying on me to provide I have stressed and stressed and stressed. The women before me had less and they gave no complaint. Man, what I fool I have been. The Lord has provided in the past, continues to provide in the present and I have to believe that He will continue to provide in the future. He has given me such great examples to learn from and now is the time I need to exercise what I've learned.
I love the quiet humbling times when there is nothing louder than the Lord's whispers.